Crocodile, Crocodile music
Here’s a musical game to play to ‘Crocodile, Crocodile’ where you get to sing the song, and play and name some random notes at the end. Some ideas and variations to play are listed at the end of the song. Repeat it over and over as an earworm to play and name the notes you […]
There’s A Song In The Air
This is #120 in the SDA Hymnal. It’s a catchy little tune. This simplified arrangement is in G major. There s a Song in the Air simplified
Super Mario Brothers
Trying to make violin interesting for the teenage boys is tricky, so in order to balance up the new violin AMEB Technique Book boring stuff (it is absolutely boring!!) and the exam pieces (more interesting – we get to choose those!!), I have stumbled across this: http://www.mariopiano.com/mario-sheet-music-overworld-main-theme.html for piano. I have adapted it as a […]
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
I have students of many different denominations, which I think is a wonderful thing. We all share a deep love of music. One parent asked if I could simplify some hymns so their child could play them. Of course I could, and was happy to do so! So here is one of them:- Immortal Invisible God Only […]
Jon Schmidt – Another favourite pianist of mine
Jon plays some beautiful songs (no, not upside down!):- “Waterfall”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7toBVVK9EA&feature=fvsr “Game Day”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1IvK_rt_wg&feature=relmfu “I Saw Three Ships”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7jZXkxcIgM “Sacred Ground”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OICK1M6s2MQ&feature=related And with a little help from friends:- “Love Story” (with Viva La Vida) (with Steven Sharp Nelson on the Cello and Bass Drum) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXtVBJDPs6k “Michael Meets Mozart” (again with Steve Nelson): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR94NDIfGmA&feature=relmfu […]
The Ice Cream Truck Song (aka Greensleeves)
Just before my son did his piano practice this morning, he asked me if I could write out “the song the ice-cream truck plays”. I asked him if he meant ‘Greensleeves’. He said “I don’t know, Mum…the one the Ice Cream truck plays. It goes like this”, and he proceeded to try his best to […]
Another student with a sore RH – piano song for the LH
Yup, another poor student of mine has injured their right hand. A very clever student, but a beginner, so I couldn’t use the LH songs I had composed previously. This called for a new one. So here it is! My Right Hand It is a beginner piano piece with some legato and staccato, and cluster […]
‘Cheeky Kitten’ Piano Piece
I’ve had a few little tunes meandering around my head, so I thought I’d better start notating them so I can share them. Having recently looked at some photos of my fluffy friends I had taken, I thought that bunnies really don’t move around very much when they’re this cute. Kittens on the other hand… A […]
Caterpillar song with LH Harmonics
I decided to be very brave and write a song with LH harmonics. My students absolutely love playing pieces that don’t quite fit into the ‘normal’ style of playing/composing. Ones with harmonics, freedom of expression, cluster chords, playing with your fist etc seem to create a lot of enthusiasm, and you can guarantee those pieces […]
My Heavenly Father Loves Me – violin and piano parts
I had some spare time this afternoon, and as my Hubby was playing with his new computer, I thought I’d play around with some music programs on mine to see if I was any better at transposing music (takes me ages to learn how to use new software). The bonus was that when I logged […]
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