Musical Snakes and Ladders
I was looking up some school teacher resources for my daughter, to assist her with her spelling when I came across this great game. The thought occurred to me that you could use Opus text and insert musical notes, signs and terms instead of spelling words (which I did). You could even have two octaves […]
Holiday Music Camp – 4th grade and higher violin students – 1 1/2 hours
I realised something when playing flashcard games with this group: my mind goes completely blank when it’s hot. We’re right in the middle of Summer here, and it is HOT! Good fun and lots of it was had with this group of students. What we did:- Game: (Approx. 30 mins) Something’s Missing (found here: Something’s […]
2011 Holiday Music Camp – 3 to 5 year olds – 45 mins
I have a few littlies I teach. Some do Kinder Beat, some learn violin and other learn piano. I wanted to do some fun activities with them that they could all do. Here is what we did:- Activity song: Dr Knickerbocker. (The Wiggles have a fun version, if you google it). Game: Happy New Year […]
Holiday Music Camp – Older Beginner/Preliminary (Piano) – 1 hour
These were my older beginner piano students over the age of 12 (all girls in my group). They were a VERY happy lively giggly bunch of girls and we had a lot of fun. This is what I did with them:- Game: Interval Slap (found here: Interval Slap from Susan Paradis’ website) Game: Beat Bingo (which […]
Holiday Music Camp – Beginner and First Grade (Violin) – 1 hour
I had quite a few students turn up to this activity. This is what we did:- Game: Something’s Missing (found here: Something’s Missing Game) Learn: The Irish Washerwoman Trio (found here: The Irish Washerwoman Violin Trio ) I was also going to get them to compose a short song based on our Great Music Dig […]
Holiday Music Camp – First and Second Grade (Piano) – 1 hour
The outline for my First and Second Grade piano students was as follows:- Game: – Over the Edge (found here: Over the Edge game ) Game: Candy Bingo (found here: Candy Bingo) One of my students has allergies and couldn’t have the skittles I was planning to use so we used my shiny blue ‘stones’ instead. I […]
Holiday Music Camp – Younger Beginners (Piano) – 1 hour
The outline for my younger beginner piano students was as follows:- Game: Snap with Bug Flash Cards (found on Susan Paradis’ website) here: Large fly flash cards and here for the ones on the keyboard: Keyboard Fly Flash Cards. We played Concentration/Memory, and the students used large green fly swatters when they got a match. It […]
Holiday Music Camp
I recently conducted a Holiday Music Camp open for all my students to attend. About half of them did, the rest were enjoying holidays (we have 6 weeks of holidays over the Christmas break in Australia). I haven’t done something of this magnitude before with my students, but they like to suggest things to me […]
Dinosaur Stomp – getting creative with little composers
For one of the groups of students at my Holiday Music Camp, I am going to use this simple rhythm. I do know that Paleontologists dig up dinosaur bones really, but it’s all part of the ‘Archaeology’ fun of our Studio Theme. My students need to clap this rhythm through, and work out a simple […]
Four Corner Drill Group Game
This is a great drill game for 4 or more students. To play:- You need 4 cards that need drilling (whether it be a rhythm or notes – ie Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet and Quaver) Stick duplicate cards up in the 4 corners of your room (unless students know from memory – to make it harder). Students […]
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